EDMES Family FYI 9-27-24

Cartoon Owl reading a book

Hello East Derry Families,

I can't believe that a month of school is coming to an end! I am so excited to have met so many new families. EDMES has such a great vibe, and I couldn't be any happier being here. Each day, I am amazed at the learning happening in each room.  I look forward to all that is planned in October!
A few FYIs......
~Thank you to all that attended the PTA's Bingo For Books last night.  It was such a blast!
~Here is the link to access the October Lunch Calendar:   October Lunch Menu
~We will have our first ED CARES assembly on Monday, September 30th.  If possible, have your child wear red that day.
~Our PTA fundraiser, Owl Prowl, is going so well that we are offering up a Pajama Day on Tuesday, October 1st.  
~On October 2nd, each grade level will spend some time with the staff from Adventurelore.  They will be facilitating team building activities outdoors.
~On October 4th, the PTA will run the fundraiser, Owl Prowl.  If possible, have your child wear spirit wear and sneakers.
~Please consider joining us for our next PTA meeting on October 7th.  The meeting is held in our library and begins at 6:30pm.
~On October 8th, children who take a bus will take part in a bus evacuation drill.
~NO SCHOOL on October 14th for Columbus Day.
~On October 18th, the Pinkerton Academy Ambassadors are coming to read to our kindergarten classes.
~Please help your child remember to bring their library books back each week.

Mary Hill