EDMES Family FYI 2-7-25

cartoon owl

Hello East Derry ​Families!

A few FYIs.....
~Link to access the February Lunch Calendar: February Lunch Menu
~Lunch Reminders:  Please send in all lunch money in a marked envelope with Child's Name/Grade/Lunch Money written on the envelope.  Also, the lunch menu will be changed on February 11 from meatball subs to a breakfast item due to an early release. Please note that lunch on February 12 will return to meatball subs.
~Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year is open.  Please note that registration is on a first-come, first-served basis at each school. Please do not delay your registration, as we utilize an “overflow” process for Kindergarten. Classes at our school may become full based on the School Board’s recommended class size of 18 students per class. In this case, your child will be assigned to a different elementary school that has openings in Kindergarten.
~Please remind your children to dress in layers as we do try to get out each day for recess.  The rule of thumb is the "feels like" temperature is 20 degrees or above.  
~There is an Early Release Day on February 11th.  Dismissal begins at 12:50.
~No school February 24-28 for our Winter Recess.

Have a fantastic weekend!