Hello Gilbert H. Hood Families,
We hope you and your family have had a wonderful weekend, which included a little bit of snow. If you haven’t heard, the groundhog saw his shadow this morning which predicts six more weeks of winter. So bundle up!
Words of Gratitude
It was a busy week for GHH, and we have many people to recognize:
Student Council, led by Mrs. Owens, presented at a School Board meeting, sharing the many things they do to support our school community. Thank you for a job well done!
Mrs. Kolinski was recognized as GHH Volunteer of the Year at a School Board meeting. Thank you for all you do!
Student Council sponsored a Whiteout Game to cheer on our basketball teams, which raised money for the Upper Room. What a great opportunity to watch great games, cheer on our athletes, and give back to the community. Great work!
The Select Chorus, led by Mrs. Boisvert, opened the school district's Deliberative Session on Saturday with an amazing rendition of the National Anthem. Thank you for sharing your beautiful talents!
Members of the National Junior Honor Society, led by Mr. Manchester, volunteered their time on Saturday to provide babysitting during the school district's Deliberative Session. Thank you for providing this excellent community service!
The cast and crew of Beauty and the Beast Jr., led by directors Mrs. Ciarla, Mr. Gore, and Ms. Poly, shared two amazing performances this weekend. It is truly a testament to how hard work, dedication, and teamwork can bring about something everyone can be proud of. Bravo!
Thank you to all the families to supported the above events this week. Together we can do amazing things!
Here are a couple items to share for the upcoming weeks:
100th Day of School: February 5
Wednesday, February 5, is the 100th day of school. To celebrate that we are 100 days brighter, our staff and students are asked to wear their brightest colors! Prizes will be awarded to the Advisory with the most participation. This event is sponsored by GHH Student Council.
Husky Hullabaloo Fundraiser
If you have not already done so, be sure to SIGN UP for our Husky Hullabaloo! Our goal is to raise $10,000 for end-of-year activities and assemblies. Creating your page for the fundraiser is easy and free. If you and your child sign up before kickoff, you will automatically be entered into our giveaway. Link: MYBOOSTER.COM .
Beginning String Program at Pinkerton Academy
As an extension of the Summer Arts Camps that Pinkerton Academy hosted last July, they are inviting any interested students in grades 5-8 to join a free beginning and intermediate strings program. This program is offered to any interested student on Friday afternoons from 4:00-5:30 in the Arts building at P.A. (Please see the recent ParentSquare message for more information and a link to sign up.)
Upcoming Dates**
February 5: 100th Day of School (wear your brightest colors)
February 7: Winter Dance, 6:00-7:30, sponsored by Travel Club
February 11: Early Release Day , 11:45 dismissal
February 11: Launch of Husky Hullabaloo
February 11: School Board Meeting, 6:30 pm
February 12: PTSA meeting, 6:30 pm
February 18: Derry School Board Community Forum Public Forum - Warrant Discussion, WRB, 6:30-8:00
**To keep up to date on the daily happenings at GHH, be sure to check our daily announcements that are posted on our school website under the “Resources” tab. The Morning Meeting Notices spreadsheet is constantly updated and available for reference.
Messages for Families of Eighth Grades
Here is a link to a Pinkerton message for current eighth grade students and their families: Class of 2029 Orientation and Course Scheduling Events.
DCSD 2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will opened on Monday, January 27, at 8:00 am. Information is been posted on the school district’s website: Kindergarten Registration.
Tardy to School
We are noticing that some students are arriving late to school on a regular basis. As a reminder, students may enter the building at 7:10 and the school day begins at 7:25. Your support in encouraging students to arrive on time is greatly appreciated.
Food Deliveries
As a school community, we are asking families to refrain from having food delivered to the school or allowing students to place orders for delivery (via phone apps or restaurant delivery). Although we understand the convenience, this practice is problematic in our school environment. It is not only becoming a distraction for students and learning, it can be difficult to manage in an already busy office. In addition, food deliveries often include items that are not permitted at school. For example, students are not permitted to have soda, coffee-based drinks, or other caffeinated beverages during school hours. Thank you in advance for helping to discourage food deliveries during school hours.
DCSD Community Public Forum
Families, staff, and community members are invited to join the Derry Cooperative School District School Board at one of two public forums to learn more about the school district's capital improvements bond. District administrators will present information regarding details of the bond, including proposed projects. Additional information regarding the district’s budget and teacher contract will also be provided. Attendees will be given the opportunity to ask questions and voice comments.
Dates: January 21, 2025 & February 18, 2025
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: West Running Brook Intermediate School
This event will be broadcast once again on social media at:
For more information regarding Warrant Article #2-Capital Improvements, check out our informational page at https://www.sau10.nh.gov/departments/facilities/facilities-warrant-article