October 4, 2024
Dear West Running Brook Families:
Last Friday’s Back to School Bash was a huge success! Thank you to all of those who made it possible! We appreciate all of the donations and the hard work of our PTSA and volunteers! It was great to see so many families here at school!
PTSA Monster Mile Fundraiser
This year's fall fundraiser will be a FUN RUN!! During the school day on October 31, students will be walking, running, skipping or even dancing through a designated course around the
school/field, with a few obstacles along the way. All of our profits will go right back to the students of West Running Brook!! Our goal for this year is to raise $20,000!! Registration is COMPLETELY FREE and if we can get 30% of the school registered by October 14th, students will get a PAJAMA DAY!!
Veterans Breakfast
To continue our tradition, West Running Brook would like to honor veterans who are connected to our larger school community with a display of gratitude on Friday, November 8th. We invite veteran parents, grandparents, and family members who are connected to WRB in any way. We will begin serving breakfast at 7:45am, followed by a ceremony of gratitude.
Congratulations to this week’s Golden Bear winners: Mr. Gore’s Red Chorus Class
Red House Chorus demonstrated C.A.R.E.S by taking responsibility for their new sheet music and not losing a single copy. In addition, they have continued to build a positive culture in the classroom by encouraging each other when they make mistakes and being good sports when playing poison pattern against me. They’ve been amazing!
Important: Returning Student Annual Information Update
Please complete the Returning Student Annual Information Update. This must be done for ALL NEW and RETURNING STUDENTS!! You will use the PowerSchool Parent Portal to access the Update. (If you do not have a portal account, or you did not receive instructions for setting it up, complete this form and instructions will be sent to you: https://forms.gle/qLw5onCPkAs1wo846 ). Please call the office for any questions or assistance: 603-432-1250.
Other Reminders:
Please use the drop off lanes if you are transporting your child to school in the morning. Please do not drop students off in the bus lane.
Outside Drinks
Please do not send students to school with outside beverages (other than clear liquids and water). Thank you for your help with this!
If you are dismissing your child near the end of the day, please park in the front of the building to avoid being stuck in the car pick up lane.
**Please drive slowly around the property.
With the new playground, students cross the driveway regularly.**
PickUp Patrol Update
Please make all dismissal changes before 1:15PM to ensure your child travels home in the appropriate manner.
When requesting your child to ride a different bus, please be explicit in your note as to who they are going home with (first and last name), address, etc. A bus pass issued by the office is necessary for a student to ride a different bus.
If your child is staying after for a club, please select student activity for the change and in notes list club and car pick up, extended day, etc. depending on your child’s plan after the club.
Pick Up Patrol can be used for dismissal plan changes as well as reporting student absences and tardies.
Harry Potter Club
Do you like the Harry Potter books and movies? Want to be a part of the magic? If you said yes, join the Harry Potter Club! We will create potions, play games, create our own Marauders Maps, and so much more! We will meet on Thursdays after school and our first meeting will be Thursday, November 7th . Please note that spaces are limited. To sign up, please see Mrs. Mila in room 226 (upstairs red pod) or Mrs. Skora in room 136 (downstairs red pod) for a form. We look forward to creating magic with you!
Along with the newsletter, which is sent out each Friday and posted on the website, we will use Morning Meeting Notices to keep everyone up to date on all the happenings here at WRB. As the year progresses, more clubs and activities will be occurring regularly. Morning Meeting Notices will be shared with all students each morning. They can also be found by families on OUR WEBSITE under the resources tab.
Enjoy the weekend!
Bill Fox
Kelly Carey
Assistant Principal
Elissa Frost
Assistant Principal
Lunch menu for Oct 4 - Oct 11 (menus subject to change)
Monday: Hot: Hamburger; Cold Sandwich: Chicken Caesar Wrap, Turkey & Cheese, Ham & Cheese or Sunbutter & Jelly
Tuesday: Hot: Chicken Patty Sandwich; Cold Sandwich: Chicken Caesar Wrap, Turkey & Cheese, Ham & Cheese or Sunbutter & Jelly
Wednesday: Hot: Beef and gravy with noodles; Cold Sandwich: Chicken Caesar Wrap, Turkey & Cheese, Ham & Cheese or Sunbutter & Jelly
Thursday: Hot: Hot Dog; Cold Sandwich: Chicken Caesar Wrap, Turkey & Cheese, Ham & Cheese or Sunbutter & Jelly
Friday: Hot: Pizza; Cold Sandwich: Chicken Caesar Wrap, Turkey & Cheese, Ham & Cheese or Sunbutter & Jelly
Other Important Dates:
Oct. 7 Dungeons & Dragons 2:00 - 3:00
Oct. 7 Running Club 2:00 - 3:15
Oct. 7 Kids Care Club 2:00-3:00
Oct. 8 Wellness Club 2:00 - 3:00
Oct. 8 School Board Meeting (Derry Municipal Center) 6:30
Oct. 9 Books to Big Screen Club 2:00 - 3:00
Oct. 9 Student Council 2:00 - 3:00
Oct. 11 Progress Reports available online
Oct. 14 No School ~ Columbus Day
Oct. 15 Wellness Club 2:00 - 3:00
Oct. 15 Running Club 2:00 - 3:15
Oct. 16 Books to Big Screen Club 2:00 - 3:00
Oct. 16 Lego Club 2:00 - 3:20
Oct. 16 Student Council 2:00 - 3:00
Oct. 21 Dungeons & Dragons 2:00 - 3:00
Oct. 21 Running Club 2:00 - 3:15
Oct. 22 Wellness Club 2:00 - 3:00
Oct. 23 Early Release - dismissal at 11:45
Oct. 25 Rubix Cube Club 2:00 - 3:00
Oct. 28 Kids Care Club 2:00-3:00
Oct. 29 Yo Yo Club 2:00 - 3:00
Oct. 29 Running Club 2:00 - 3:15
Nov. 1 Picture Retake Day
Nov. 4 Kids Care Club 2:00-3:00
Nov. 6 Running Club 2:00 - 3:15
Nov. 25 Kids Care Club 2:00-3:00