WRB News, 3/14/25

WRB News, 3/14/25

March 14, 2025

Dear West Running Brook Families:

This week marked the last week of the second trimester! As we head into the final third of the year, we have many events and activities on the horizon. Trimester Two Report cards will be emailed home on Monday, March 24. The NH State Assessment (NHSAS) begins the first week in April. Look for more information in the coming weeks regarding the NHSAS. 

Reminder: We begin letting students in the building at 7:15 with a goal for advisory to begin at 7:25. If you transport your child to school, please do your best to be here on time. If this proves difficult, please consider using our bus transportation.

The School Board recently approved the calendar for the 25-26 school year. Please see HERE for a copy. 

Yearbook Orders

The Yearbook Club is so excited to share our memories from this awesome year with you. Be sure to order a WRBIS yearbook through TreeRing. For more information, see THIS flyer.

Other Important Information

Pinkerton Strings Program 

As an extension of the Summer Arts Camps that we ran this past July at Pinkerton Academy, we are inviting any interested students in grades 5-8 to join us for a free beginning and intermediate strings program. This program will be offered to any interested student on Friday afternoons from 4:00-5:30 in the Arts building at Pinkerton Academy. Please see here for more information.

Important: Returning Student Annual Information Update

Please complete the Returning Student Annual Information Update. This must be done for ALL NEW and RETURNING STUDENTS!! You will use the PowerSchool Parent Portal to access the Update. (If you do not have a portal account, or you did not receive instructions for setting it up, complete this form and instructions will be sent to you: 

https://forms.gle/qLw5onCPkAs1wo846 ). Please call the office for any questions or assistance: 603-432-1250.



Bill Fox





Kelly Carey

Assistant Principal




Elissa Frost

Assistant Principal




Lunch menu for Mar. 17 - Mar. 21; (menus subject to change)

Monday:  Hot:  Chicken Nuggets or Cheeseburger; Cold Sandwich: Chicken Caesar Wrap, Turkey & Cheese, Ham & Cheese or Sunbutter & Jelly

Tuesday:  Hot:  Soft Shell Taco; Cold Sandwich: Chicken Caesar Wrap, Turkey & Cheese, Ham & Cheese or Sunbutter & Jelly

Wednesday: Hot:  Pasta with Meat Sauce; Cold Sandwich: Chicken Caesar Wrap, Turkey & Cheese, Ham & Cheese or Sunbutter & Jelly

Thursday:  Hot: Grilled Cheese; Cold Sandwich: Chicken Caesar Wrap, Turkey & Cheese, Ham & Cheese or Sunbutter & Jelly

Friday:  Hot:  French Bread Pizza; Cold Sandwich: Chicken Caesar Wrap, Turkey & Cheese, Ham & Cheese or Sunbutter & Jelly


Other Important Dates:

Mar. 17 Dungeons & Dragons (B)

Mar. 17 Intramural Basketball (Girls) 2:00 - 3:15

Mar. 18 Anime Club 2:00 - 3:00

Mar. 18 Game Club 2:00 - 3:00

Mar. 18 Gym Club 2:00 - 3:15

Mar. 19 Books to Big Screen Club 2:00 - 3:00

Mar. 19 Intramural Basketball (Boys) 2:00 - 3:15

Mar. 19 Lego Club 2:00 - 3:00

Mar. 19 Student Council 2:00 - 3:00

Mar. 20 Ski Club

Mar. 20 Destination Imagination 2:00 - 3:15

Mar. 20 Debate Club 2:00 - 3:00

Mar. 20 Gym Club 2:00 - 3:15

Mar. 20 Harry Potter Club 2:00 - 3:00

Mar. 20 Stem Club 2:00 - 3:00

Mar. 24 Dungeons & Dragons (A) 2:00 - 3:00

Mar. 24 Intramural Basketball (Girls) 2:00 - 3:15

Mar. 25 Anime Club 2:00 - 300

Mar. 25 Game Club 2:00 - 3:00

Mar. 25 Gym Club 2:00 - 3:15

Mar. 26 Books to Big Screen 2:00 - 3:00

Mar. 26 Intramurals Basketball (Boys) 2:00 - 3:15

Mar. 26 Lego Club 2:00 - 3:00

Mar. 27 Stem Club 2:00 - 3:00

Mar. 27 Yearbook Club 2:00 - 3:00

Mar. 27 Destination Imagination 2:00 - 3:15

Mar. 27 Gym Club 2:00 - 3:15