Common Childhood Illnesses
DCSD Health Guidance for School Attendance

When to stay home When to return to school
Fever (greater than 100.0) Fever free without use of fever reducing medications for 24 hours.
Respiratory Viruses/
Common Cold symptoms
Influenza (the Flu)

Monitor symptoms at home. Follow guidance of a healthcare provider (HCP), as
needed. May return when symptoms have significantly improved, and fever
guidelines are met- Fever free (<100.0 f) without use of fever reducing medications
for 24 hours.

Respiratory Virus Guidance
Common Cold/ Influenza

About Preventing Spread of Respiratory Viruses When You’re Sick

Strep Throat/
Scarlet Fever

24 hours after beginning antibiotic therapy and until there is no fever present.

Strep Throat & Scarlet Fever

Stomach Flu/
Nausea and vomiting or diarrhea

At least 24-48 hours after vomiting and diarrhea have stopped - without use of
medication. The student has tolerated fluids and at least one typical meal.

GI Illness

Conjunctivitis (pink eye)

The student has been examined by a healthcare provider and approved for school
attendance with or without treatment. (Children with nonpurulent conjunctivitis
generally do not need to be excluded.) If treatment is prescribed, may return 24
hours after the first dose of medication.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

Fifth Disease

Students with Fifth disease MAY attend school (as they are not contagious after
onset of rash), presuming they feel well enough and meet the fever guidelines.

Fifth Disease

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Children may attend school if they feel well enough and they meet the fever
guidelines ( even if lesions are still present.)

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Undiagnosed Skin rash When the rash is accompanied by fever or behavior change, a healthcare provider
should determine that the symptoms do not indicate a communicable disease.
Students may return when the rash/fever has resolved or has been diagnosed as
non-contagious by your child’s physician. Please provide a note from the health care
Significant Injury/ Surgery Students should have a doctor’s note to return to school after surgery, or an illness
that required hospitalization, emergency room or urgent care visit. This
documentation should include instructions regarding any activity restrictions and/or
accommodations that may be needed in the school setting. This includes, but is
not limited to, the diagnosis of concussion, and injuries that require splints,
slings, casts or crutches.

March 2024