Home to School Resources
Family Support for our Derry community
Hi everyone!!!!
We hope all of you had an amazing Summer and are excited for the new school year!!!!! This page was put together to assist you in quickly accessing some information about community and school supports.
Alicia Triplett and Lee Holder are the two district Home to School Coordinators (social workers) who assist families with identifying and utilizing community supports.
Alicia Triplett covers South Range, Derry Village, East Derry elementary schools and West Running Brook and can be reached at (603) 260-2793 or atriplett@sau10.org
Lee Holder covers the DEEP program, Grinnell and Barka elementary schools and Gilbert H Hood Middle School and can be reached at (603) 548-0253 or lholder@sau10.org
Your school's guidance counselors are also available for support so please feel free to connect with them as well!
Elementary school counseling questions or concerns can be emailed to: DCSDK5counselors@sau10.org.
Middle school counseling questions or concerns can be emailed to: DCSD68counselors@sau10.org.
A District-wide email address, DCSDnurses@sau10.org, has been developed for families to direct health and medication questions and concerns. School nurses will reply to emails as soon as is reasonably possible.

Derry School Psychologist Department webpage
Here in the Derry Cooperative School District, our mission is to create a safe and successful learning environment for all students.
We have developed a list of resources that we hope will be helpful to provide support for student, families and staff.

Social & Emotional family practice
Talking with your children about Covid-19
Talking with your family about social distancing
Current NH information about Covid-19
http://www.211nh.org/ 211 NH is the connection for New Hampshire residents to the most up to date resources they need from specially trained Information and Referral Specialists. 211 NH is available 24 hours, 365 days a year. Multilingual assistance and TDD access is also available. For those outside of New Hampshire, call 1.866.444.4211.
211 NH is an initiative of Granite United Way and relies on the generosity of donors and partners like Eversource, the State of New Hampshire, Volunteer NH and local United Ways.