Mental Health Resources

Center for Life Management
NH Rapid Response Access Point is a statewide effort initiated by the NH Department of Health and Human Services and Bureau of Behavioral Health and being implemented in collaboration with community mental centers statewide.
The NH Rapid Response Access Point (RRAP) is another important resource in responding to those in mental health crisis in our community. We want to make you aware of what crisis services will be available in our region.
CLM Acute Care, Emergency Services & Mobile Crisis Response
For individuals in our region (the towns of Atkinson, Chester, Danville, Derry, Hampstead, Salem, Sandown, Newton, Pelham, Plaistow, and Windham)
CLM Emergency Services/ Mobile Crisis Response remains available 24/7 by calling 603-434-1577, option 1.
CLM's Emergency Services team continues to provide 24/7 response to those in mental health crisis including:
- Face-to-Face and Telehealth (phone and video) crisis support,
- Walk-in crisis support during business hours at CLM's Derry office,
- Crisis Stabilization.
- Rapid Response/Mobile Crisis Team (MCRT) responding in-person to individuals where they are in the community for crisis intervention when needed.
What Has Changed
As of January 1, 2022, the NH Rapid Response Access Point is available to all NH residents by calling 833-710-6477. This is an additional and valuable resource for NH residents who are experiencing a behavioral health crisis.
Individuals will speak with a trained staff member that can assist callers with:
- Phone support and problem solving to help resolve a behavioral health crisis.
- Over the phone support for referrals to outpatient or inpatient services.
- In-person Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT) that comes to the individual where they are in the community if the crisis can’t be resolved over the phone.
This is the first phase of NH Rapid Response Access Point which will lead to use of the nationwide three-digit 988 mental health crisis hotline targeted for July of 2022 implementation.
Questions? Please contact:
Kerry Ali, CLM Director of Acute Care,
Emergency Services and Regional Rapid Response MCRT at or call 603-965-0633.

The Upper Room
The Upper Room is your local go-to place for individual and family support, education and resources.
The Upper Room is a non-profit Family Resource Center located in Derry, NH. We offer programs for individuals, parents, teens and young adults. Our staff, volunteers and board members are committed to improving people's lives and encourage your participation and referrals.