Information & Resources
General Kindergarten Information
- Barka Kindergarten Orientation Video- What we do at Barka
- Parents/ Guardians Questions form
- "A Day in the Life of a Kindergarten Student" (video, transcript)
- Kindergarten FAQ
Click the link below to register Kindergarten students for the 2021-2022 school year:
- 2021-2022 Kindergarten Student Registration
- If you are registering your child for kindergarten for this 2020-2021 school year, please go to our New Student Registration page
- If you need information or have questions regarding which school your child will attend, please call the Superintendent's Office at (603) 432-1210.
Learning Resources
- Words Their Way Book Descriptions
- Envision Math Video for Parents
- Fountas & Pinnell Reading Ladder of Progress
- Policy KEC-R, Reconsideration of Instructional Materials
- Response To Intervention Brochure
Counseling and Community Resources
- After a Crisis: Helping Young Children Heal
- Elementary School Brochure: Meet Your Elementary School Guidance Counselor
- Talking To Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Educators
- Tips for Parents on Media Coverage
- A Parents Guide to Emergency Management (updated February 2018)
Please don't forget to view the Home to School Coordinator website for - local community resources:
- Carry on and be Derry Strong Website
District Resources
- My School Bucks
- Policy For Acceptable Use of Technology
- PowerSchool Parent Portal
- G Suite Permission Form
- Internet Publishing Agreement
Insurance Resources

The following documents may be uploaded as images into the electronic form or may be delivered to your child's school in person by appointment. Registration will not be considered completed until all items are received.
- Parent/Guardian with a Photo ID
- Proof of Residency (2 proofs required):
- Current Lease, Mortgage, or Property Tax Bill
AND - Current Utility Bill (electric, cable, etc.)
OR - *Residency Affidavit (obtained from the Superintendent of Schools Office)
- Current Lease, Mortgage, or Property Tax Bill
- Birth certificate
- Immunization record
- Physical record from primary care physician
- Custody papers or other legal documents
- If you do not have two proofs of residency because you are living with another person or family, the person you are living with needs to go to the Superintendent’s Office with their two proofs of residency (lease agreement, purchase and sales agreement, mortgage agreement, or property tax bill, AND current utility bill) and a photo ID.
- They will sign a legal affidavit, which will be notarized, stating that you are living with them. The residency affidavit will be your "Proof of Residency" required to complete a new student registration.